Calculation formula of spindle speed of jaw crusher
It can be seen from the test that the relationship between the rotational speed and the productivity, the specific power consumption, and the content of the over-pulverized product is such that the crusher productivity increases with the increase of the rotational speed under given working conditions. When the rotational speed is increased to a certain value, the productivity is maximized, and then the rotational speed is increased again, the productivity is rapidly decreased, and the content of the over-pulverized product is also increased. The change in specific power consumption is that the power consumption does not change much as the speed increases until the maximum speed is reached, but after the maximum productivity is reached, the power consumption increases sharply as the speed increases. In addition, the maximum speed of the eccentric shaft of the jaw crusher should be lower than 430r/min. Calculation of spindle speed: If the material is discharged in free fall, the spindle speed n is: .......1, if a=a1+a2, then .........2. The formula 1 is exactly the same as the traditional formula for calculating the speed, but the premise of its induction is completely different. It is obtained completely based on the trajectory of the moving motion, and fully conforms to the actual situation of the motion of the complex pendulum jaw crushing motorized cymbal. The result of the traditional quest is based on the parallel movement of the movement, which is completely inconsistent with the actual movement of the movement, and the difference is very different. According to the formula 1, the three parameters of the rotational speed n, the angle a and the swing stroke Sx are matched. When the Sx is fixed after the design of the mechanism, the value of the spindle speed n changes as the value of the flank angle a changes as the 颚 is compressed to the end point. Spherical Joint Bearing,Spherical Radial Bearing Geg90Es,Plain Radial Bearing Geg 90 Es,Spherical Plain Radial Bearings UKL Bearing Manufacturing Co., Ltd., ,